The teamwork in the iHelp project at Denia Marina Salud Hospital is made up of a multidisciplinary team of technical professionals specialising in information systems, together with healthcare staff from Primary Care and doctors specialising in Digestive, Preventive Medicine, Oncology, and Emergencies.
The information systems and technology technicians work on the development of the project’s system and technology, applying the criteria defined by the specialist doctors. In the project chain, the Primary Care doctors are the first contact with the patient who is a candidate to collaborate in the project and the one who will monitor each patient, together with the specialist doctor, both will work together in the monitoring of the patient and in the analysis of the results obtained.
The CIO coordinates and reviews the work being carried out. It is the link between technical and healthcare professionals. This role in the project is to coordinate the professionals so that the deadlines and deliverables are met. On a weekly basis, we review together with the pending tasks and deliverables, see needs and propose work actions.
We schedule and count the hours worked by the team of professionals that make up HDM, and then report the information to iHelp and have it accounted for. We carry out a control of the information and documentation, general monitoring of all the actions involved in the project to meet the objective and completion of them.
Working on a project of this scale is of great benefit to the professionals as it enables them to participate in research, stimulates them with new challenges, and the acquisition of knowledge from other colleagues in other hospitals and international companies. The development chain of the project is very satisfying and positive because it allows you to interact and collaborate with colleagues from very different areas and competencies, acquire new knowledge and share experiences.