
KODAR Systems (KOD)

KODAR is a Bulgarian software company operating on the international market for over 20 years, serving clients in the USA, the Netherlands, Belgium, and Bulgaria.
The company is closely affiliated with the University of Plovdiv, a premier technical school in Bulgaria, and will be involved in system architecture definition, implementation of the software prototypes, user interfaces, data processing, and Artificial intelligence within the iHelp project.
Because of the strong academic background, Kodar excels in Algorithms and Business Intelligence.
Our personnel consists of highly qualified young architects, designers, and developers with skills and experience in a range of technologies and development environments, with Mobile, distributed systems, .NET Framework, and Java being our primary focus. 


Digital Systems 4.0 provides services and projects in the areas of User-Centred Software Development, Digital Transformation, and Big Data Analytics. Our experts have worked with industrial clients in Europe, UK, and Australia, and have participated in over a dozen of EU-funded projects since 2004.

Digital Systems 4.0 will contribute to developing software which is tuned to the needs of its users – patients, clinicians, and health service managers. We aim to ensure the software produced by iHelp is user-friendly and “sticky”, avoiding the usual loss of interest by users in our health application after a few days. We will use a combination of user-centered design and personalised nudge messages develop through our collaborative research with the University of Manchester.

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