

The Primary Healthcare Providers’ Attitudes towards Artificial Intelligence and Information Communication Technologies Implementation into Pancreatic Cancer Risk Prediction, Prevention and Early Diagnosis

SOURCE: 2023 International Conference on Applied Mathematics & Computer Science (ICAMCS); Publisher: IEEE, Published: 20 February 2024 The Primary Healthcare Providers’ Attitudes

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Artificial Intelligence Implementation for Development of Socially Significant Disease Prediction and Risk Mitigation Monitoring – Patients Perspective

SOURCE: 2023 International Conference on Applied Mathematics & Computer Science (ICAMCS); Publisher: IEEE, Published: 20 February 2024 Artificial Intelligence Implementation for Development

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  • June 7, 2023
  • 6mins read

ICAMCS 2023 iHelp Special Session

AIPER: AI and Big Data Applications towards Person-centered eHealth, Personalized Recommendations and Improved QoL Introduction The successful exploration and interpretation of all

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Ethical and policy considerations in iHelp

The iHelp consortium is building an ambitious and far-reaching study using several inter-connected approaches to contribute to more effective risk detection and

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Building the iHelp Platform

The modern healthcare landscape and market As the healthcare domain continues to become more complex with a tremendous amount of data being

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Goals of the iHelp study: the FPG pilot

The main goals of the iHelp project are to early detect and mitigate the risks associated with Pancreatic Cancer by applying advanced

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Unsupervised Machine Learning

Have you met that know-it-all expert always rushing to spoil the AI party by pronouncing that they have seen it all before

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7th iHelp Consortium Meeting

Since we are at the milestone of the iHelp Project, the 1st Review has been completed, the tech is mature and the

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iHelp partner introduction – TMU

Taipei Medical University Education, healthcare, and technology facilities Taipei Medical University (TMU) was founded in 1960, and has been a pioneer in

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