From the 20th to the 22nd of June, the picturesque cities of Valencia and Denia played host to the highly anticipated 9th iHelp General Assembly (GA) meeting. This gathering brought together a diverse group of individuals and organizations, comprising experts from the technology and health industries. With a shared vision of early identification and mitigation of risks associated with Pancreatic Cancer, these partners aimed to leverage advanced AI-based learning and decision-support techniques to improve patient outcomes.

Setting the Stage: Valencia, the Cultural Epicenter Valencia, renowned for its rich history and vibrant culture, provided an inspiring backdrop for the iHelp GA meeting. Participants, hailing from the technology and health sectors, were welcomed into an environment that fostered creativity and collaboration. The fusion of these industries created a unique space for exploring innovative approaches to tackle the challenges surrounding Pancreatic Cancer.

Consortium Discussions and Workshops
The heart of the iHelp GA meeting lay in its consortium discussions and workshops. These interactive sessions provided a platform for participants to exchange ideas, share best practices, and tackle critical issues in the field of humanitarian aid. Expert-led panels covered a wide range of topics related to the progress of the project. Engaging workshops allowed attendees to dive deeper into specific areas of interest, fostering meaningful dialogue and knowledge exchange.
Showcasing the Technical Coordination Aspects
One of the highlights of the event was the presentation of the technical coordination aspects. This session focused on the current technical perspective, integration status, deployment, and utilization of the iHelp platform within hospital premises. Of particular importance were the discussions surrounding Helm Charts (a tool for managing applications in Kubernetes) and the infrastructures required for on-site implementation in hospitals.
AI for Early Risk Assessment and Personalized Recommendations
The role of AI in early risk assessment and personalized recommendations was also explored during the meeting. Presentations covered techniques for early risk identification, predictions, and assessment, the design of personalized prevention and intervention measures, delivery mechanisms for personalized healthcare and real-time feedback, social analytics for studying societal factors and policy-making, and monitoring, alerting, feedback, and evaluation mechanisms. The participants examined the progress, plans, and steps will follow, focusing on leveraging AI to improve risk assessment and personalized care.

Collaborative Networking Opportunities
The iHelp GA meeting also fostered invaluable networking opportunities for participants. Informal gatherings, networking breaks, and social events allowed attendees to connect with like-minded individuals, form partnerships, and strengthen existing collaborations. These interactions facilitated the formation of new alliances, enabling the exchange of ideas beyond the confines of the event and paving the way for future collaborations.

The Denia Field Visit: Putting Theory into Practice
To provide a hands-on experience, the meeting included a field visit to Denia, a city known for its commitment to sustainability and social welfare.
The 9th iHelp GA meeting in Valencia and Denia was an unparalleled success, uniting passionate individuals and organizations from around the world in their shared pursuit of contributing to the iHelp Project success. The event showcased inspiring projects, fostered meaningful collaborations, and provided a platform for knowledge exchange and innovation once again.